Choreographical Talks 03
  • Choreographical Talks 03

Choreographical Talks 03

5,00 €

Anne-Mareike Hess

On Fighting,
and Weaving


How can we talk about dance? And how can something as volatile as dance be archived? By commissioning choreographers based in Luxembourg to reflect upon their art, the CNL’s series Choreographical Talks, launched in 2022, tries to provide answers to these questions and to give movement a (lasting) voice.  

Anne-Mareike Hess is a choreographer, dancer, award-winner, and artistic director of the independent structure Utopic productions. Since 2007, she has worked with numerous choreographers, performing in venues around the world.


Dear reader,

This collection of thoughts, notes, conversations, monologues and questions was composed especially for you. For that purpose, I went through old notebooks, diaries and rehearsal notes, and I reached out to people who have been part of my work in some way or another over the last few years. Based on the recently completed series WARRIOR, DREAMER and WEAVER, I took the opportunity to reflect on my choreographic work and fantasize about future works. I wanted to do this in a way that mirrors how I work, think and feel, and most of all, I wanted this process to be inspiring, creative and playful for myself and hopefully also for you, dear reader. Now it is in your hands.


94 Artikel

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Anne-Mareike Hess
Centre national de littérature
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